Thursday, April 15, 2010

Deterrence vs. Recovery with GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking Devices

by James Neely / guest author

If potential perpetrators know about the existence of GPS Tracking devices and do not follow through on their intents, then deterrence is realized. However, most of these devices are hidden and therefore do not present a good deterrence to theft of property.

What they do accomplish, however, is to help locate an item to within a few feet of its actual location and report that to the owner.

Here’s why recovery is the best use of GPS Tracking devices:

Busy Police Agencies

Because of difficult economic times, incidents of serious crime are on the rise. The result of this is that it causes lesser cases of theft to be shoved to the back of investigators desks. Police agencies are stretched thin and resources are difficult to find. They would rather find a stolen item and return it right away instead of having to investigate a difficult and long term case that may or may not provide enough evidence to find the perpetrators and make an arrest.

Near-Instant Recovery

GPS Tracking provides location information which can be passed on to local authorities for almost instant recovery. This is a great alternative to having to wait while authorities attempt to find the perpetrators through evidence that might or might not be available.

Insurance Premium Reduction

Many insurance companies will provide a reduction in premiums if a GPS Tracking device is installed into a vehicle. They reduce their risk and so are willing to pass along savings to insured persons in return. This makes is possible to recover your initial investment in a device over time.

GPS Tracking devices are affordable for businesses or individuals as well. They are perfect in tracking cars, boats, four-wheelers, snowmobiles, jet skis, campers, trailers and more.

Do you need to substantiate actions? Tracking where you or others have been in vehicles that are equipped with a tracking device is the best way to go about this task. Employees or family members can be tracked and reports generated that also provide speed data as well.

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